Republican Political Consultants: RedPrint Strategy Online


The online presence for RedPrint Strategies LLC an Austin, Texas and Arlington, Virginia based political media and consulting firm has gone live.

See it all here: new venture and new company offering new media and web, as well at TV, mail. phones and polling.

Facebook Fan page can be found here: RedPrint Strategy Facebook

Still Tweeting at: Twitter

Hope you enjoy.

Casey Phillips

This is what getting out “Cousin Pookie” looks like; New Jersey Democratic Machine in action for Jon Corzine


This is what getting out Cousin Pookie looks like

Some interesting photos from my day watching the Democratic machine put upwards of a million dollars on the street to pay canvassers $300 bucks to get out the vote for Corzine.  Will it work?  We will know in minutes.  This is why Republicans need to get out and vote.



Analysis of New Jersey Assembly ballot trending towards Republicans


After a little searching through Quinnipiac University’s polling history in New Jersey I was able to pull together enough polls to show just how significant the Republican Generic Ballot advantage is in their Most Recent Poll heading in to the 2009 Assembly races.

Numbers and analysis on the document below:

The first advantage in a decade, 8 seats to tie the chamber.

Cross posted on the RSLC State News Shot


NJ Democrats getting desperate, attacking Chris Christie with images of former President Bush



Found this morning plastered to lamp posts in downtown Trenton N.J.

Memo to Democrats that think this is a good idea, keep doing this kind of stuff it makes you look like fools.

We have seen over the last 7 months what a Democrat in the White House will do to this country, if the next 7 months are anything like the last people will be begging to have GWB back.
